Our Physical Therapy Services
Our Doctors of Physical Therapy are here to help you recover from pain and live the active lifestyle that you want.
Have you been told by a healthcare provider that you should stop lifting weights or participating in another exercise you love? Let’s work together to get you back in gym or on the track.
Do you pee every time you cough, sneeze or run? Do you feel like you have to pee every 10 minutes? Is sex painful or not as enjoyable? Schedule your initial evaluation today to start the journey of healing your pelvic floor.
Here at ResilientRx, we believe that you deserve a physical therapist who actively practices the same movements as you. Alternative sports include (but not limited to): aerial art & dancing, climbing, acrobatics and gymnastics.
Are you struggling with daily activities because your hands, wrists, ankles, or elbows are causing you pain? We can help you rehabilitate your movement!
Are you living with daily neck, back, or shoulder pain? We can help diagnose and solve your pain without surgery!
Is your low back pain affecting you while sitting, standing, walking or exercising? We can help get you back to living your life, pain-free!
Is your knee pain limiting you from squatting? Are you worried that running will aggravate your knee? Many times it is due to not knowing proper form or having enough ankle or hip mobility – we can help!
Have you recently sprained your ankle? Have you been told to simply “RICE” it and take anti-inflammatory medication? We can help get you back on your feet!